Posted by Puneet Yamparala

The CRM functionality in Apptivo consists of Pre-Sales, Sale and Post-Sales activities. Please follow the following steps to get started with the customer relationship management software functionality in Apptivo.

1. Provide access to team members , to the Sales and Customer Service modules.

2. The first step in Pre-Sales activities is creating leads potential customers.

3. Once a Lead is created, your sales team can follow up with this lead using the built-in Activities functionality in Apptivo.

4. Leads which show promise can be converted to Opportunities , which is the next stage of Pre-Sales activities. Opportunities can also be created directly .

5. If required, Opportunities can be followed up further using the Activities functionality.

6. Next is the actual sale. You can create a new order or you can convert an Opportunity to an Order .

7. When an order is captured through Apptivo, an Account is automatically created for the customer. To can also create customer Accounts manually.

8. All the information related to individuals in your sales process (e.g. contact person for an Opportunity at a company, the billing contact for an Account etc.) is stored in the Contacts section of Sales module. You can also create independent Contacts in this section.

9. The Post-Sales activity consists of Customer Service. To help with this Apptivo provides a built-in Help Desk tool called Cases.

10. Create Cases and manage the customer service process very effectively.

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The CRM functionality in Apptivo consists of Pre-Sales, Sale and Post-Sales activities. Please follow the following steps to get started with the CRM functionality in Apptivo.

1. Provide access to team members[y1] , to the “Sales” and “Customer Service” modules.

2. The first step in Pre-Sales activities is creating leads [y2] – potential customers

3. Once a Lead is created, your sales team can follow up [y3] with this lead using the built-in “Activities” functionality in Apptivo

4. Leads which show promise can be converted to “Opportunities”[y4] , which is the next stage of Pre-Sales activities. Opportunities can also be created directly[y5] .

5. If required, “Opportunities” can be followed up further [y6] using the “Activities” functionality.

6. Next is the actual sale. You can create a new order [y7] or you can convert an Opportunity to an Order[y8] .

7. When an order is captured through Apptivo, an “Account” is automatically created for the customer. To can also create customer “Accounts”[y9] manually.

8. All the information related to individuals in your sales process (e.g. contact person for an “Opportunity” at a company, the billing contact for an “Account” etc.) is stored in the “Contacts” section of Sales module. You can also create independent “Contacts” [y10] in this section.

9. The Post-Sales activity consists of Customer Service. To help with this Apptivo provides a built-in Help Desk tool called “Cases”

Create “Cases” [y11] and manage the customer service process very effectively

[y1]Link this to the employee create documentation page.

[y2]Link to create lead documentation page

[y3]Link to leads view page or activities page docuemtnation

[y4]Link to convert to opportunity documentation page/view lead page

[y5]Link to create opportunity page

[y6]Link to opportunities view page or activities tab documentation

[y7]Link to create order page. Make sure the create order page has info about signing up for credit card processing to be able to capture credit card orders.

[y8]Link to view opportunity/covnert ot order documentation page

[y9]Link to create account page documentation

[y10]Link to create contact documentation page

[y11]Link to create case page