Saving the environment is a very critical and pressing issue today. As a small business owner, you too have a vital role to play. The planet has to be preserved for the future generations. Unless drastic and immediate action is taken, achieving this goal would be difficult. Fortunately, the field of environmentalism is growing and requires each and every one of us to contribute.
What does going green entail?
A small business can move faster than the bigger business in becoming environmental friendly. Going green means using available resources optimally, recycling existing resources, switching to renewable resources without compromising business competitiveness. Some eco friendly business ideas are listed that helps in incorporating green culture which helps to save on business energy.
Strategies to make your small business environmental friendly
Use Paper Wisely
Important tasks such as invoicing could be made paperless. Instead of taking a printout of the invoice and mailing it to the clients, use best invoicing software to create invoice and email it.
Always use double side printing when available. Set the default printer mode to double-sided prints. Encourage the habit of sending emails instead of through post.
You can give incentives to employees who carpool to work. This would be in addition to the lower fuel expenses for those employees and help lower carbon emission from cars.
Work from home/ Telecommuting
Employees can save transportation time and costs if given this option. Also some employees are more productive working from home and would prefer this option.
Source supplies locally
Do your research and find out which is the nearest place for obtaining office supplies. This will definitely save commuting time and expenses.
Stop using disposable cups and plates
This will help reduce garbage. Switch to using personalized coffee mugs and stainless steel water bottles for your employees.
Incorporate Recycling in your business
Use paper which has maximum recycled content. Always keep a recycle bins around the office so people become more inclined to recycle.
Save Water
This is very precious and irreplaceable resource. Ensure that water taps are tightly closed after use. Replace equipment which use water inefficiently with efficient ones.
Switch off machines when not in use
This is a simple but very important tip. Considerable energy saving can be achieved by turning off unused computers, lighting and air conditioning equipment.
Introduce the Green Culture
Stress the importance of being environmental friendly to all members of your organization. Put signs and reminders at strategic areas in the office. Saving the environment is a never ending task.
Leverage Energy Efficient Technology
Use fluorescent light bulbs instead of traditional incandescent lamps. A modern trend is to use cloud storage for your business. This helps save server space and electricity along with enhancement of data security and accessibility.
Benefits of Going Green
As time progresses, the government is likely to give more incentives for businesses to go green. There is also a generation of goodwill among clients and customers for organizations that help out in saving the environment. This is a very effective way to enhancing your firm’s reputation.
Do share with us your inputs of making businesses environment friendly.