Posted by Marketing Advisory Team

Most of us are creatures of habit, and that includes entrepreneurs. If a business is running smoothly, we stick with what we’ve been doing. That may not be the best plan of attack if you want to expand. Offering new products or services is one way to grow your business, but you need to be creative about how you introduce these products or services. Creative thinking has a role to play in the launching of a new product. In fact, creative thinking can be a valuable tool through all aspects of your business.

There’s an old saying, “If you change nothing then nothing will change.” If you add a new product and you add it like you’ve done every time in the past then you can expect the same results whether they were good, bad, or average. If you want better results then think about changing your approach to introducing the new product(s).

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Take a minute to think about the new product. Answer these questions.

  • What does the new product do?
  • Are there things it can be used for that are outside the normal usages?
  • Is there an age group that the product fits?
  • Can you offer the product at a price that’s superior?
  • Can you offer the product with more choices (IE size, color, style)?
  • Is the product seasonal?
  • How can you introduce the new product in a manner that was different from the past?
  • What kind of buzz can you generate around the product?

Once you have taken the time to really examine the product(s) you are going to add to your business, you’ll be able to put things into a creative perspective. If you find it difficult to be creative ask a partner, an employee, or someone else to give you a hand. Of course you always have the option of hiring an advertising or marketing person who has the right skill set to be creative.

In fact, you may be creative without even realizing it. Just relax and let those creative juices flow. Creative marketing is the secret to new product success!