How To Manage Your Employees Efficiently And Get The Best Out Of Them

Posted by Maya Pillai

Employees are the backbone of any organization. One of the responsibilities of the management of any business firm is to ensure that employees are motivated to complete their tasks effectively and efficiently. It’s the duty of the manager to ensure that he has a balanced team else the it will have a searing impact on the business as a whole. … Continue reading

Skill Sets to Develop as a Project Manager | RunApptivo

Posted by Dineshkumar

Project manager is the one who involves in the planning and execution of particular project. He should be well versed in constant analytic techniques and good communication. The risk management and time management are the basic two factors that they should imply in their daily work culture. The decision that which they make should be consistent and it should help … Continue reading

Why do small business owners need to manage their time better

Posted by Maya Pillai

time management

A small business whether it’s a startup or a seasoned one would be a success only if its owner is able to manage time effectively to complete the tasks efficiently. There are time tracking tool when small business owners wish there was a magic formula that allows them to do more tasks in the given time period. For a business … Continue reading