Posted by Maya Pillai

The role of a leader is a crucial one, especially in the field of business. Leadership is generally an inborn talent, but it is possible to sharpen the leadership skills of an individual. There exist those who despite training can’t become good leaders.  Then there are those to whom leadership comes naturally. Many people who can hone their leadership skills through coaching and mentoring.

Let’s take a look at some characteristics, qualities and traits of a good leader that one should possess.

Good leadership communication skills -If one has ideas, but is unable to communicate to others, their ideas are useless. A good leader possesses superior written and verbal communication skills. In addition, he is a good listener. He is able to make his team clearly understand what is expected of them.

Honesty – An honest leader draws admiration from all. Cheating doesn’t pay in the long run. At the highest level, integrity and ethics count.

Assertiveness – A good leader doesn’t hesitate to ask relevant questions and take suitable actions. He is able to articulate his vision and convince others.

Visionary – A good leader is able to foresee and predict what is going to happen in the future. Apple’s Steve Jobs epitomized this quality.

Good Planner – Planning gives clarity to goals and prioritizes different tasks. It makes the job systematic and organized.

Personal Charisma – Great Leaders possess magnetic personalities which attract people to them. Mahatma Gandhi used to attract hordes of people wherever he went

Self Motivated – If a leader is effective and productive, it sets a great example for his followers. The team is inspired to work twice as hard.

Delegates responsibility – A good leader doesn’t do everything. Instead he has the knack of identifying the right people and delegates responsibility to them.

Exudes confidence – If a leader is enthusiastic and optimistic so will his team. On the other hand pessimism/ negative thinking is infectious too. But beware of being overconfident. You may then overstretch yourself and ultimately falter.

Acknowledges other’s contribution – A good leader doesn’t take credit for everything. A simple acknowledgement and praise to workers can work wonders. He should ideally know all his team members well. Good or exceptional performance should be rewarded.

Adaptability -The 21st century is all about rapid evolution. A good leader should be aware of and embrace change. He should be open minded and ready to adapt to new technologies and business processes.

If you would like to suggest any more effective leadership qualities, please share it with us.

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