Posted by Maya Pillai

8 Emails Marketing Tips To Boost SalesAs per the National client email report submitted by Direct Marketing Association in 2014, it has been understood that 77 percent of the ROI (Return on Investment) occurs due to segmented, targeted as well as triggered email marketing campaigns. Here are a few email marketing tips to optimize the email marketing to boost sales.

Prime Send Times

As per Experian Marketing Services, emails sent between 8 P.M. and midnight boasted a higher open rate of 22% as well as click-through and sales rate. The prime time varies from company to company. Check your subscriber list, content as well as analytics to find your firm’s prime sending time.

Freebies to Keep Them Interested and Engaged

Customers love to receive free stuff. Therefore, to keep your customers engaged and also increase the level of conversions, your company has to give away freebies. These can be anything from gift coupon codes, vouchers for next purchase or even an eBook. This is one of the way to keep the customers interested.

Email Marketing Optimization for Mobile

The content of the email marketing should be optimized for mobile platforms. Else you are losing out on the mobile traffic. Ensure that content can be converted into a single column template, increase the font size and easy to click.

Keep Your Subscribers List Active

It sounds good to know that you have a healthy list of subscribers. But the fact is only a small part of that list is likely to be active. To engage your customers to get the most out of them, you need to brainstorm with the marketing team to launch a re-engagement campaign. The content must be engaging and the subject line should be catchy and intriguing. This should invoke the curiosity of the inactive consumers so they will open the email and also click to go the website.

Customize Your Emails

The readers should feel that you are writing for them alone. Therefore, give a personal touch to the content and customize the same as per the tastes and preferences of the valued customer.

Never Spam Your Customers’ Inbox

People would not want to clutter their inbox. You are likely to be booted from the inbox, if your emails are going to spam the inbox. Therefore, time your emails in such way that customers read them. Ensure that the content is engaging as well as that you have something valuable to share with your customers.

Offer Great Content to Reach Out to the Customers

To ensure that your customers await anxiously for the next email send information that makes them think, allow them to peak behind the scenes, offers surveys and polls. Keep the headlines of simple, meaningful and attractive. Consider using sensory phrases to improve the open and click rate. Power words make your emails standout.

Automating Emails

Automating your email marketing is one of the few things that you need to do to make your email marketing more effective and efficient. Automating email marketing will ensure that emails are sent to the right person and on time. Also you will be able to monitor the analytics.

Email marketing is very effective when you do things right. People love to read great content and information that makes them think. Include these tips to create a great email marketing strategy to boost your sales.