How Hiring The Right Employee Is Beneficial To A Small Business

Posted by Maya Pillai


Small businesses are the backbone of the American economy. As per the current statistics, there are approximately 28 million small and medium-sized enterprises in the United States. However, the small businesses are having a great difficulty in finding and hiring qualified candidates. As per the recent findings, 56 percent of the small business owners are unable to hire a candidate … Continue reading

How To Manage Your Employees Efficiently And Get The Best Out Of Them

Posted by Maya Pillai

Employees are the backbone of any organization. One of the responsibilities of the management of any business firm is to ensure that employees are motivated to complete their tasks effectively and efficiently. It’s the duty of the manager to ensure that he has a balanced team else the it will have a searing impact on the business as a whole. … Continue reading

Boost Employee Morale Without Giving A Raise

Posted by Maya Pillai

As per a study by Professor Andrew Oswald at the Warwick Business School, those employees who are happy are 12 percent more productive than the unhappy ones. A small business owner who tunes into his workplace environment now and then can tell when his employees exhibit the signs of low morale such as reduced performance, fewer conversations, decreased collaborations and … Continue reading

Why Find a Small Business Mentor

Posted by Maya Pillai

Novel entrepreneurs have many business ideas but zero confidence to implement these ideas in a timely manner. This is where a mentor comes in. He/she will play a key role in building confidence in the concerned entrepreneur and his business. They help a business owner succeed. However, both the mentor and mentee is terms of experience. As per the survey … Continue reading

How To Bring Down Employee Onboarding And Training Costs?

Posted by Maya Pillai

Talent acquisition, onboarding and training is expensive and companies are spending tons of dollars each year. Training Magazine report revealed that in 2015, American businesses spent over $70 billion on training the new hires as well as the existing employees. Businesses irrespective of their sizes have to strategize various methods to make onboarding and training cost-effective. Tips To Cut Onboarding … Continue reading

Most Searched Summer Olympics Sporting Events By Country

Posted by Maya Pillai

The Summer Olympic Games is one of the most anticipated sporting event in the world. It includes a wide range of sports; and sporting contingents from across the world participate in the various events. However, a couple of popular sports such as cricket and American football are not the part of the Summer Olympics. Summer Olympics 2016 is being held … Continue reading

Importance Of Upselling For Small Business Enterprises

Posted by Maya Pillai

Upselling is not a new concept but it’s high time small business enterprises revisit its concept to increase their revenue, retain their customers and meet specific goals. If upsell is used in a rightful manner, it can enhance the customer experience and this in turn brings in better revenue from the old customers. Upselling is a sales technique where the … Continue reading

What A Small Business Owner Needs To Know About Patent

Posted by Maya Pillai

In the United States of America, a patent is issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The person who is granted the patent has the exclusive right to manufacture, sell, and also import the claimed design or invention. That is, a patent gives the entrepreneur a limited monopoly to make profit from his invention. There are two types … Continue reading

Four Ideal Tools That Every Small Business Needs

Posted by Maya Pillai

To make your brick ‘n’ mortar or an e-commerce small business a success you need to have a set of tools that will help you access your data from anywhere and at any time. When you are starting small you would be wary of the various expenses that are likely to be incurred and this makes you reluctant to try … Continue reading