All businesses have to deal with disgruntled customers at some point of time. Some customers may have genuine grievances while some may not. In either case, one must learn to handle the customer as well as the situation properly. We take a look at different strategies and techniques to handle difficult customers. Be specific – When the customer is making … Continue reading
Posts Categorized: Small Business University
Ways to influence customers and their buying decisions
It is the customers who have the power to make or break a business. Hence it is essential that enterprises focus on customer satisfaction and loyalty. There exist time tested techniques to bond with customers and positively influence their buying decisions to your favor. Go the extra mile to make customers feel special– Smile and welcome your customers with genuine … Continue reading
How to delegate work effectively
Small businesses are not a one man show. It is not practical or possible for a single individual to do everything which needs to be done. Many people are reluctant to delegate work because the lack of trust in other people’s ability, wanting to do everything themselves and so on. However, in the modern business environment, there is no alternative … Continue reading
Why should small businesses move to the cloud
Cloud computing services provide users with the facility to use software and other computer resources online as a utility. This is a pay as you go model where you need to pay for the services depending upon the usage. So you can leverage resources only when you need them via the web. In true cloud computing platforms all applications are … Continue reading
Is your business prepared for a natural disaster?
Natural disasters such as floods, storms, earthquake, hurricanes, blizzards and more can strike anywhere at any time. They can affect any kind of business. It is important that you be ready for such eventualities. Each kind of natural disaster has its own set of problems. You need to be prepared for situations which could directly affect your business. Your disaster … Continue reading
Keep Your Employees Happy
The employees of a company constitute the most important part of its foundation. Every organization big or small needs to keep its people happy to conduct business smoothly. Job satisfaction, sense of ownership and employee recognition etc. are important factors that motivate your employees to stay on the top of their class. Your employees are the internal customers of your … Continue reading
Work Smart Not Hard
It is said that when one lives for a stronger purpose, then hard work is not an option but a necessity. No matter how inspirational this saying may sound, it doesn’t have much to do with real life scenarios. The endless list of tasks that need to be completed on time, the overbearing bosses and ever-increasing work pressure render the … Continue reading
5 Tips to Keep Your Meetings Productive
Do your subordinates perceive workplace meetings as boring and futile? Have you given a thought on making them more interesting? Making your meetings more fun shall spontaneously make them more interesting and productive as you begin to achieve the underlying objectives. Holding meetings with your team is one of the best means of strengthening interpersonal relationships, boosting morale, identifying the … Continue reading
Communicate with Your Team Effectively
As a manager, you are obligated to do everything it takes for your team to be able to function cohesively and cordially. It begins with understanding the significance and mechanism of effective communication. Communication, in simple terms, means transmission of ideas, thoughts, emotions, etc from one person to another. However, effective communication also involves certain steps on the part of … Continue reading
Find Yourself a Business Mentor
The importance of having a business mentor has often been undermined by many of us. In the modern day business environment where competition has taken a front seat, it becomes all the more necessary to find yourself a suitable mentor who will advice you and guide you through the maze of corporate warfare. Who is a Mentor? Sometimes, we tend … Continue reading